Professor in communication, Zakir Avşar is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Communication at Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University. Author of various books on communication and IT law, political communication, media and ethics, cultural diplomacy, mass media and terrorism, he received his BA and MA in the fields of communication and public administration. He worked as the Counsellor to the Speaker in the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the Chair for the Prime Ministry Public Relations Department, Councellor to the Prime Minister, the General Director of Protection of Consumer and Competition in the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the Chairman of the Advertising Board. As a member of the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), he acted as RTÜK Deputy Chairman and Prime Ministry Counselor. He served as the Dean of the Faculty of Communication at Gazi University. Avşar has been a visiting scholar at Michigan State University. He conducted a research on “Media and Islamophobia”.